Why I disappeared from the internet

I have few big pieces of news today.

But I want to start by answering a question many of you have been asking me:

"Bro you good?? Haven’t heard from you in a bit. Not even emails."

In case you weren't aware...

This is in response to ending my streak of posting online every single day for 448 days and no long writing 5 emails a week.

So to answer your question...

Despite my businesses making close to $200,000 in the last year with 90% margins, why did I disappear?

(The above image doesn't include revenue before June. Revenue from ghostwriting. Revenue through Stripe. Personal revenue from 1-1 coaching. Or personal revenue from 1-1 DFY clients.
I haven't calculated every penny, but this amounts to around $40,000.)

The answer is pretty simple.


You're likely aware of the Dunning-Kruger Effect:

Essentially, as you learn about a topic, you hit a peak of confidence before coming down to realise how little you know and then finally building up your confidence again as you become an expert.

Well, I'm an aggressive learner.

I read every single day. I'm always watching courses. I'm always investing in mentors.

After a year of being in the online business game I started to realise how little I knew.

I also started to realise how little most of the coaches and gurus on social media knew.

I began to hate most of the content I read online.

The only guys I respected were guys like Allen Sultanic, David Deutshe, Shann Puri, Sam Parr, Shane Hunter, Ben Settle, Chris Dyson, George Ten, Atlas, Cold Email Wizard etc.

What do all of these guys have in common?

YEARS of hard-earned knowledge and experience in their fields. Experts.

In contrast to myself...

Every time I look at myself 3 months ago I think

"Omg, what an absolute moron."

I began to notice holes in my thinking and I felt less confident in just "sharing my ideas."

Essentially, I crossed the peak of the Dunning-Kruger Effect.

An achievement I'm glad of.

But one that's not great for writing content.

It made me want to focus 100% of my energy on gaining hard-earned experience so that I could share what I learn further down the road.

So this is where I find myself today.

I'm growing a marketing agency with my biz partners.
I'm growing a Fintech start-up with my copywriting coach.
I'm running the Growth Army community, but with no immediate plans to grow it.

And I've decided to give this a 100% of my energy, instead of writing online.

My goal is to return in full force once I can say I've built a $100k/month agency and am ready again to share what I've learned.

So where does this leave you, a loyal subscriber to my emails?


I won't be emailing you every day.

But when I do email you, it will be with something so valuable and useful that it made me divert some of my energy away from experience-earning, back to sharing.

I also won't be selling you many of my offers, as this newsletter is not a marketing channel for my agency.

But I will be sharing the odd offer from people I respect, because I'm still a big believer that investing in yourself is the most valuable thing you can do (aside from applying the knowledge.)

Which leads me onto my final message to you.

My good friend Jon Brosio has just released a new course.

Jon is a master of the content and audience building game and he's got a huge following of 160,000 across Twitter and LinkedIn.

His new course teaches you everything you need to know about audience building with writing.

If that's something you're interested in, you should check it out:

>> How Jon Brosio went from uneployed to 160,000+ followers <<

That's all from me today.

Thank you for listening to my ramble.

I hope you have a cracking weekend,


P.S. I still monitor my email inbox, so if you ever get any questions, feel free to get in touch.

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